
We are excited to announce a significant update to our API infrastructure that will enhance the reliability, stability, and performance of our services. As part of this upgrade, we have introduced a new API gateway at This new endpoint will serve as the primary entry point for all API requests moving forward.

Why We Made This Change

To provide you with the best possible service, we have implemented a load balancer that routes traffic efficiently across multiple servers. This improvement allows us to handle more requests simultaneously, reduce downtime, and improve response times. The new API gateway at is designed to optimize performance and ensure a seamless experience for all our users.

What This Means for You

To take full advantage of this update, we encourage you to start using as the base URL for all your API requests. The old base URL,, will always remain active to ensure compatibility, but we recommend switching to the new endpoint to benefit from the enhanced features.

How to Update Your API Requests

Here’s what you need to do to start using the new base URL:

  1. Update Your API Base URL: Wherever your current API requests are using the base URL, simply replace it with


    Old Request:

    New Request:
  2. Ensure Authorization Headers are Correct: Make sure to include your existing API key in the request header. If you are using Bearer tokens for authentication, your header should look like this:

    Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
  3. Handling API Rate Limits: Please note that the same rate limits apply on as before. Please refer to our API documentation for throttling limits.

Example API Request with the New Base URL

Here’s a sample request to illustrate the change:

Old Request:

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

New Request:

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

What Benefits Will You Experience?

By switching to the new endpoint, you will experience:

  • Improved Reliability: With our load balancer and multiple servers, expect fewer downtimes and more consistent performance.
  • Faster Response Times: Optimized routing ensures that your requests are processed as quickly as possible.
  • Better Scalability: The new gateway is built to handle increased traffic and scale with your growing needs.

Transitional Period

We will continue to support the old base URL,, indefinitely, so you can choose to use either the old or new endpoint. However, we encourage all users to switch to to take full advantage of the enhanced performance.

We’re Here to Help

We understand that changes like this can be disruptive, and we’re here to help make the transition as smooth as possible. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for your continued trust in our services. We look forward to providing you with an even better API experience with this upgrade!